人脸识别转闸门禁系统人脸在视觉上的特点是: 一,不同个体之间的区别不大,所有的人脸的结构都相似,甚至人脸器官的结构外形都很相似。这样的特点对于利用人脸进行定位是有利的,通道闸系统可以通过这发面进行全方位发展。 二,人脸的外形很不稳定,人可以通过脸部的变化产生很多表情,而在不同观察角度,人脸的视觉图像也相差很大,另外,人脸识别还受光照条件(例如白天和夜晚,室内和室外等)、人脸的很多遮盖物(例如口罩、墨镜、头发、胡须等)、年龄等多方面因素的影响。通道闸人脸识别技术可以一一排除这方面的困难,从而达到理想的运用效果。 通道闸 现在通道闸人脸识别技术的日趋成熟和发展前景越来越可观,国内目前在应用方面,也快速普及。 通道闸与IC卡读写器结合便构成智能通道闸综合管理系统,可以实现门禁、考勤、收费等功能。我们通常都能在大型会议场所出入口处设立一组通道闸,可以方便了参会人员的出席签到、会议管理人员的统计和查询;为有效地掌握、管理参会人员出入和出席情况提供了轻松的解决方案。同时也委婉地拒绝了非与会人员的进入,保障了会议的次序。大大减轻了会议服务人员的工作负担,提高展会的工作效率。 产品特性Product Features
Wide dynamic monocular living anti-counterfeiting, completely solving the deception of various photos on various uploads;
2. Support LED intelligent fill light; 3、支持串口、韦根26、34输出,输出内容支持配置; Support serial port, Wiegand 26-bit, 34-bit output, and supportoutput content configuration;
Real-time body temperature monitoring, and body temperature tolerance range is accurate to 0.3 °, body temperature detection distance is 0.5-1 meters;
Support the device to store thousands of people locally
The cloud platform device supports the simultaneous storage of 50,000 face photos (less than 400KB), 1 million identification records (0.45KB), and 20,000 live capture photos; (b)局域网设备支持同时储存2万张人脸照片(照片按100KB计算)、100万条识别记录(含*近1万张现场抓拍照片)。 The LAN device supports simultaneous storage of 20,000 face photos (the photo is calculated based on 100KB) and 1 million recognition records (including the recent 10,000 live capture photos).
1、1:N人脸识别,人脸库支持20000张人脸,top1命中率99.99%; 1: N face recognition, the face database supports 20,000 faces, and the top1 percentage of hits is 99.99%; 2、1:1人证比对准确率99%以上; The accuracy ratio of 1: 1 personal identification is over 99%; 3、识别速度快:Fast recognition (a)人脸跟踪与检测耗时20ms左右; Face tracking and detection takes about 20ms;
Face feature extraction takes about 200ms;
The live detection of face identification takes 0.2ms;
Feature identification takes 0.5ms (multiple recognition of 10,000 face database takes average); 4、支持陌生人检测,陌生人等级可配置; Support stranger detection, stranger level can be configured;
Support live photo saving on face recognition or stranger detection;
Support HTTP port connection;
Support public network and local area network management